NYC Intsa Looks

I was pretty much hoping for it to be somewhat cool in NYC but it was HOT! So I tried to make some of my summer outfits more transitional in the city! I ended up only packing a carry on thinking I was only staying for a few days, but ended up staying longer. So, you can see how I…
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My Fall Cart

NYC TRAVEL GUIDE Vol. 3: Food, Hotel and Drinks

I want to sincerely thank everyone who reached out to me during Hurricane Irma. I am from Miami Beach, but thankfully all damages were cosmetic and everyone is okay! It meant the world to me. POST IRMA: Seeing that a large majority of my friends evacuated to NYC, once the airport opened and the situation was safe to travel I…
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10   145
11   199
22   173
59   801
20   636
28   399
28   303
70   603
15   580
9   462

Shop & Save

So students are usually on a tight (VERY TIGHT) budget and want to save any penny. Budgeting is crucial however you shouldn’t deprive yourself of certain “wants.” If you alot your monthly allowance and expenses correctly you should be right on track. I’ve used the following tips which I am about to share with you to save money as I shop…
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Personal Swimwear Collection

So I am very self conscious when it comes to wearing swimwear. I bloat so easily and can’t refrain from eating so my stomach automatically grows. What can I say, I love food (the bad kind). I often resort to sticking to one pieces to hide the bloating and because I feel more comfortable. THANK GOD THEY’VE BEEN IN STYLE!…
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Instagram Round Up

School has kicked my butt so I was been really busy kicking back! If you don’t follow me on Instagram, you should (PLEASE lol). If you do follow me on Instagram, you’ve gotten a preview of my life the past few months.
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