Chain Belts | Elevate ANY Look with this One Accessory

The one accessory I never knew I needed and I can't get enough of.
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My Fall Cart

Shop & Save

So students are usually on a tight (VERY TIGHT) budget and want to save any penny. Budgeting is crucial however you shouldn’t deprive yourself of certain “wants.” If you alot your monthly allowance and expenses correctly you should be right on track. I’ve used the following tips which I am about to share with you to save money as I shop…
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14   163
20   251
39   217
18   385
30   655
22   194
141   747
10   152
11   225
23   193

Spring Break by the …

So I’ve created a packing guide for every student’s much needed break! Whether you are headed to the beach, to the mountains or staying in bed hibernating, be safe and have fun! Ready, set, TAN! Here’s a quick packing trip for those staying by the beach. Here’s for those headed north to the snow! Don’t freeze!
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Finals Survival

The stress is killing me and the countdown to winter break feels eternal! Here are 5 easy tips to survive finals week! 1. Hydrate! Drink lots of water because dehydration will decrease exam performance (according to this study). Even bring your own bottle with fruit infused water. Shop the bottle above here! 2. Headphones! Record yourself reciting some of your…
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Don’t Break the Bank

This post is for those of you with a champagne taste and a beer budget. We always want the latest trends and items right off the runway, but at the same time don’t want to break the bank. So here are some dupes that will let you execute the look without maxing out your cards. Happy Monday!
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