Labor Day Sales!

Hello everyone!!! I hope everyone is having a much deserved break!! I’m here trying to get the tan I didn’t get all summer, but I guess I still have time since this Miami heat just feels like it is getting stronger and stronger! What are you up to? Although it sadly marks the end of the summer, I love Labor…
Key Largo, FL
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My Fall Cart

Tumblr Tuesday

Happy Tuesday loves! Here are some pictures I reblogged on my tumblr. I not only use my social media accounts to share parts of my life, but also to get inspiration. To see more head over to my tumblr. I’ve been thinking about posting some of my favorite social media accounts to follow. What do you think? Let me know by commenting below!
Miami Beach, FL
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10   145
11   199
22   173
59   801
20   636
28   399
28   303
70   603
15   580
9   462

Back to School Tips

I feel like back to school is always bitter sweet: love catching up with friends, hate the early mornings and loads of work. So if your sleeping schedule is just as flipped as mine, below are a few tips to get back into the routine, quicker and easier!
Miami Beach, FL
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Timeless Investment Bags

A well chosen and cared for handbag can last you a life-time. Besides being classics, some of these bags have become heirlooms that are passed down in families. Here are five timeless handbags that might break the bank, but will stick around for seasons to come.
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