Gift 24 Days of Beauty with Revolve Advent Calender

The holidays are HERE and so is the Revolve Beauty Advent Calendar! Is it just me or did the holidays come much quicker than expected? We finally have something to look forward to in 2020 and I’ve already started my holiday shopping online because the last thing I need is to show up empty handed on Christmas because of COVID.

I am already very much in the holiday spirit. If you follow me on Instagram you already know. As if I wasn’t blasting Mariah Carey enough already, Revolve sent over their first ever Beauty Advent calendar to kick off the holidays! I (to no surprise) had ZERO will power to wait until December 1st to open it. If you have any beauty junkies in your life STOP, and look no further.

It comes with over $300 of product for $125 and if you plan to procrastinate, do not worry because the 2-day shipping is free. Shop it now HERE!

Revolve Beauty Advent Calendar


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