Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and whether you are spending it with your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, or mother, you don’t want to show up empty handed. So I’ve created a gift guide that satisfies all budgets and women. On Valentine’s day it’s really the little details that count. Flowers are a must, but recently I’ve found an…
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My Fall Cart

Berry Kissable

I feel that one should always be comfortable when it comes to fashion. However, there are exceptions. Especially when you love stilettoes; tall stilettoes (like me). Every once in a while it’s good to experience and experiment something new. Take a step out of your comfort zone for a day and/or night and try something bold. Even if it is a little…
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16   363
30   634
22   185
141   743
10   148
11   219
23   188
62   826
21   646
29   408

A Bright Fall

“Fashion fades, style is eternal.” -Yves Saint Laurent Many people forget that there is a difference between fashion and style. Fashion is all about the season’s latest and most popular trends, both on the runway and on the streets, but style is much more personal. Style distingushes one person from another. We can both rock the same trend, but in our…
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