Shop the Look
I’m officially feeling old, however I guess that means I am getting wiser ?. I know I still have SOOO MUCH to learn but I wanted to share some things I’ve learned so far.
- YOU are your best investment.
- You get more with honey than you do with vinegar. ?
- Drinking water fixes everything. lol ?
- You can’t make everyone happy, but you can ALWAYS make yourself happy.
- Croissants are a glimpse of heaven. ?
- You only get one life & one body.
- If giving leaves you feeling empty, you’re giving too much to the wrong person.
- We don’t deserve dogs. ?
- Life is happening NOW.
- Be nice to yourself. ?
- Chocolate chip cookies never fail to make me smile. ?
- You must let the pain visit. You must allow it to teach you. You must not allow it to overstay.
- Enjoy where you are now. Be present.
- Don’t ever ask someone their age, weight or SAT score.
- Laughing burns calories. ?
- Everyone is going through something.
- People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay attention.
- It’s your life so you should only care about what YOU think.
- Love is stronger than distance. ❤️
- SPF 30. No less. ☀️
- Zodiac sign characteristics are too accurate and it’s a bit freaky. ♊️
- You can. You will. You must.
- All lives matter.
- Nothing that is worth it comes easy.